Friday, April 6, 2007

NOhnt : Last Words [3/29/07]:

"Don't wake me,

I plan on sleeping..."

~~The Postal Service~~

"Goodnight, sweetheart,
Well it's time to go.
I hate to leave you, but I really must say,
Goodnight, sweetheart, goodnight."

~~The Spaniels~~

xx, BB~~take care, HNT'er's. (Thanks, Os)

>> EDIT: [4/6/07 (Good Friday)] : Those who know me, will know where to find me. BB/Cain will no longer be commenting on your blogs, or posting [0n, "Breathless,"
"Only living boy..," "Bottoms Up," "The Wind Shall hear my words..," "Evensongs," and, "The Love songs of Adam & Eve (as Chosen, by Cain).]

>> "The Birthday Blog," of course, stays "active"~~~I'm still waiting to hear from anyone who'd like a song posted by me there. [Click, the blog on my profile page, to see who's Birthday's you might have missed, thus far.]

>> This blog, and all the ones mentioned above, shall NEVER be deleted. They are here, a part of my history. I may not be able to write of my life fully, but the attempt has taught me much. Like I say, those who know me, I'm sure, understand. Things have been very tough. My family has eyes on this blog...(and, my health is now compromised.)

Another place, another life awaits.

BB/cain...he may have left the building, but the building still remains.

I wish you all a good Good Friday & a very Happy, joyful, Easter.

You'll know where to find me.

xx, Bill B. ^_* 4/6/07. Adam, Cain, and, BB, are truly done with now.